OK, so some who think that I'm being an idiot for saying that I am against polygamy because I'm a Muslim, I just have this to say to you; up yours. It's my opinion, and nothing you say can change that.What kind of opinionated blogger would I be if I didn't define the word first, right? OK, here goes.
Polygamy, as defined by Wikipedia, is a Greek word and it means 'a form of marriage in which a person has more than one spouse'.In Islam, men are allowed to have up to 4 wives, so long as he treats them equally. However, a woman is only allowed 1 husband. Unless the women are OK with the marriage arrangement, it's fine with me.
It's your life. However, if the man marries another woman without his first wife's opinion or knowledge, I consider that a form of cheating.Men don't like sharing their women with other men, and women feel the same way; if another woman came chasing after my boyfriend, I'd rip her hair off her head and scald her face with acid.
So if man who marries another woman without telling their wife (or wives; there have been cases, you know) are essentially CHEATERS.
I seriously think polygamy shouldn't be allowed. It's unfair to the women. Some might argue that it's better for the women because then they have someone who can provide for them; you make it sound like women are constantly dependant and constantly need someone who can tell them what is right, what they should do, where not to go and so on.
We're living in the 21st century now, and women are capable of finding jobs too. Women can do most jobs that men do; some women do it better, even. (if you're gonna start the 'women are physically inferior than men'.
Most physically demanding jobs nowadays don't pay much anyway.)My point is that women should be considered equal to men when it comes to marriage (and in everything else, if you ask me). I'm trying not to go into the 'I hate men' theme here, trust me.
But some people think that women should be submissive to their husbands and so on; that their husbands have the right to beat their wives up should they make mistakes. And that pisses me the hell off.
You know what, if husbands are allowed to hit their wives if they screw up, women should be able to kill their husbands if they marry someone else without telling them.Men who use their power to control women and making them feel inferior are cowards; are you afraid that she'll become more than you? That she'll eventually become smarter than you, or that she'll start earning more than you? If she does, why should you feel emasculated? You still have your man-parts, don't you?On another note,
I think that people who tell their daughters that education is unimportant, and that they should just marry some rich guy are idiots; do you know how hard us women have to fight to be seen? To be allowed to enter university? Did you know that in the old days, women were not allowed into universities? Education is VERY important, I tell you.
It's empowering; it uplifts us, and it makes us independent of others. If she does marry someone rich, and after she has been used and abused, and her husband decides to ditch her for someone younger, what do you think would happen to her? If she had an education, she could get a job and look after herself; she can become her own person.
I can't think of what more to write now; it's too late at night for my brain to properly function.Oh, and ladies, if your man is a user, an abuser, or if he cheats on you, dump him before he dumps you. Don't make him let you feel used because if he does, he wins,
A Voice from New Zealand