As for projects on which work have yet to start, it might even consider postponing the projects. But it will all be within reason and involve particularly projects that are large and require high cost, the Prime Minister said.
Projects that are viable would continue. All the projects in the country involve the economic corridors, he said."Where we can implement, we will. Where we need to pull-back a bit, we will pull-back. We will postpone."
He also said that the country had continued to receive investments from specific areas due to its vision for targeted investment and from areas with sufficient or excess funds for investment.Malaysia offers high incentives for investment. For investors keen on the targeted investment, the country can either receive the investment flow or export its products to the involved countries.
Abdullah also reiterated that Malaysia's economy would be able to withstand pressures from the downtrend in the global economy."Our economy has resilience. Our ringgit is stable and our reserves strong, and up to this point, our exports can be maintained and we also have a favourable trade balance," he said."
The important thing is the Government has not forgotten to come up with the measures to be taken so that whatever the effects that befall us, we hope it will not be continuous."He added that while Malaysia in the past depended on the US market, it has now diversified into other areas such as Asean and China.
This, will hopefully help shield the country, he said.Abdullah said he also hoped that Malaysians would be ready to invest and spend as domestic consumption would drive the country's economy.However, there is a need to convince the people of the measures that the Government has taken besides being just told that the country's economy has staying power due to strong fundamentals.

I guess some thinkers or economists would readily like to rebuff the statements made by our PM. Possibly with some smart ideas . However as it is , the result would be the same. It could be a blessing in disguise to some.
On the same token, I would like to take the opportunity to propose to government to seriously consider reviewing the status of Sabah Development Corridors. As it is, the present SDC initiated by our CM, Datuk Seri Musa Aman (DSMA), does not seems to meet the vision dreamed by the people of Sabah. The proposed Development areas identified by DSMA earlier, would only benefited to some.
According to DSMA “ The SDC covers the western, central and eastern region of Sabah. SDC's key economic drivers are services (tourism and logistics), agriculture and manufacturing. A key target of the SDC is to make Sabah one of the most likeable places in Asia by 2025, given the state's diverse cultural offerings, heritage, quality of life and a clean environment.
According to DSMA “ The SDC covers the western, central and eastern region of Sabah. SDC's key economic drivers are services (tourism and logistics), agriculture and manufacturing. A key target of the SDC is to make Sabah one of the most likeable places in Asia by 2025, given the state's diverse cultural offerings, heritage, quality of life and a clean environment.
SDC will also help to position Sabah as a major trade and logistics regional hub of this region".
In real sense, the SDC mentioned aloud by DSMA sometimes ago, is only a rhetoric. Sadly to some, reflecting a political planning's failure.
A make believed story tale , orchestrated by him and geng to cloud the eyes of this planet, that Sabah is now better off under his governance. Actually, to me, it is not.In fact, it is like a one way journey through a tunnel along a long and winding roads.
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